Ways to help.

There are so many ways to help at MCCR. You don’t have to be a member, a board member, or someone who has attended for months or years. Come as you are, we are better together!

Team Ministry Opportunities

  • Altar Ministry – If you feel called or are considering involvement in setting up the altar, sharing a reading during service, reading the announcements, preparing and serving Communion, etc.,
  • Usher Ministry – We are always looking for those who have the gift of hospitality, organization, and attention to detail who can serve as ushers and greeters for our worship services and other events.  This class will prepare you to serve in this role.
  • Multi-Media Ministry – Our worship services are enhanced by good sound, good visual arts and seamless projections.  If you have experience in any of these mediums, please join us for the training so that you can consider being a member of this important team.
  • Praise Team Ministry – Do you play an instrument, or sing? Learn more about how you can contribute the vibrant sounds our praise team shares each week for those in the sanctuary and watching online!
  • Food and Clothing Pantry – Share your gifts of grace, mercy, and compassion to those who depend on our food and clothing pantry. Setting up, serving, and caring.
  • Buiding Care – This big building takes a lot of hands to keep it running smoothly. So many other organizations depend on our building for their own outreach. Keeping our building clean, in good repair, beautiful, welcoming, and set up requires a lot of help. We would love your help.

New Member Class – Learn about the history of the MCC denomination and of this church. Many choose to become active members in a church community that has a rich history of serving others.

Have a calling about a Ministry – Has something come up in your spirit that you feel called to do?  Have you and some of your friends felt a need to start a ministry that meets a particular need? Let’s connect you with our leadership team!

Leadership – If you are a servant leader and would like to contribute your skills to this church community let us work together and find how to make that happen. We are better together.

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