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The church that welcomes everyone

MCC Churches are open to provide a place for all to gather; regardless if you are here in the sanctuary or joining us online.  It matters not how you identify, present, or what pronouns you use.  In this space all are welcome.

10/28/24 Pantry Households Served
10/28/24 People in Households Served
10/28/24 Number of Children Served
Number of people served by MCC Pantry 2024
Volunteers Making it Happen
Current News

What is new at MCCR


Join us, everyone is welcome!

MCCR In Person and Online Service 10:00am
10:00 am March 23 2025
3/23/25 Sunday Worship
980 N Clarkson St., Denver, CO 80218
Join us for
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm March 24th 2025
3/24/25 Food and Clothing Pantry OPEN/abierto USDA
980 N Clarkson St., Denver, CO 80218
MCC Food and
MCCR Food and Clothing Pantry OPEN
CLOSED Cerrado March 31st 2025
3/31/25 Food and Clothing Pantry CLOSED/cerrado
980 N Clarkson St., Denver, CO 80218
MCC Food and
MCCR Food and Clothing Pantry CLOSED
We are seeking YOU!

“We are seeking; love, truth, justice... and YOU!

Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC) has a presence in over 20 countries, and on every inhabitable continent.

Many of our churches around the world worship online. Click Here to see the church, location, language, time, and link for their online service.

Iglesias de la Comunidad Metropolitana (ICM) tiene presencia en más de 20 países y en todos los continentes habitables.

Making a difference in our community

Our Ministiries and Outreach

USDA Food Pantry
Open most Monday's. See our calendar for details.
Clothing Closet
Clothing Closet is open most Monday's
Heartland Mental Health Drop In
The Drop-In Center is located in the Capitol Hill area of Denver. It is a peer-run program, and an inviting community where you can connect with others in a safe, healing environment. Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday, 10am-5pm, Saturday, 10am-2pm
Prison Ministry
To get involved with the Prison Ministry, see Phil, or email: [email protected]. We have ten residents of our luxurious Colorado prisons waiting to hear from you.

Serving Denver for 50+ years

Pantry Days and Times

MCC Pantry

980 N Clarkson St., Denver, CO 80218

See our calendar for details!  *This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


Contact Us

Our emails are monitored by our volunteer staff.  Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.  Thank you!